Gastric Sleeve vs. Gastric Bypass
Gastric sleeve and gastric bypass surgeries are both very common bariatric procedures designed to help those with morbid obesity achieve significant weight loss. While they are similar in many ways, the two techniques have distinct differences. Gastric sleeve and gastric bypass both involve decreasing the size of the stomach to ultimately lead to weight loss. By having a smaller stomach, this restricts the amount of food patients need to eat before feeling full. However, the method of creating this smaller stomach size differs between the two procedures.
During gastric sleeve surgery (also known as a vertical sleeve gastrectomy), our Chicago bariatric surgeons remove 70 to 80 percent of the stomach and resection it to create a thin “sleeve” in which food can be stored. In gastric bypass surgery (also known as a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass), the stomach is reduced into a small pouch by first dividing the stomach and then attaching a Y-shaped segment of the small intestine to the pouch. This causes food to bypass part of the small intestine to reduce the amount of calories and nutrients that are absorbed.
Gastric sleeve surgery requires a single step, while gastric bypass surgery involves two steps. Both procedures are often performed laparoscopically. Lifestyle changes are necessary after both bariatric surgeries to ensure a successful outcome. This includes making dietary changes like consuming less food, since the new stomach size can only accommodate a small amount, as well as taking vitamins to ensure you are meeting your nutritional needs.
For more information about gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass surgery, or another weight loss procedure, please contact our experienced team at Suburban Surgical Care Specialists / Kane Center to schedule your consultation. Our surgeons will evaluate your candidacy and help you find the most beneficial procedure for improving your long-term health.